There are many heroes in the Bible. Looking back at familiar stories – with the knowledge of how they end – it is easy to assume that the great heroes of these ancient texts were always, well, heroic. But, when you read the stories closely, you discover the heroes of the Bible often falter… frequently stumble… and occasionally RUN away from God’s mission. This November, we will celebrate our annual Mission Month by taking a closer look at some of these stories, and reflecting on our own call to mission, while we spend some time with The Ones Who Ran.
Weekly Bible Readings
● Exodus 3:7-12 Who Am I?
● Esther 4:10-17 Such a Time as This
● Jonah 4:1-5 Why I Fled
● Mark 8:34-37 Those Who Ran to Jesus
All Saints Sunday
● Sunday, November 3
Church Night
Every Wednesday
Maize Manor Market
2nd Saturday – give away food, clothes and toiletries
Farm Volunteer Day
3rd Sunday
Practice Makes (more) Perfect
● Sign up to participate in 1 New Ministry for 2025!
Thanksgiving Dinner Concert
● Sunday, November 17, 6:00 p.m. @ Fellowship Hall
○ All proceeds go to complete the 2022-2024 Maize Manor Campus capital
Mission Sunday: November 24
● Join us for a celebration of mission, learn about opportunities to grow and serve at our
Ministry Fair, and turn in your Mission Pledge Card for 2025!
Santa’s Workshop
● Friday, December 6, 6:00-7:00 p.m