The Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movies in the Galaxy

SciFi/Fantasy movies transport us to other worlds that are very different from ours…and yet,
surprisingly similar. Though this genre of films is often associated with fancy costumes and
special effects, part of the magic of a good SciFi/Fantasy picture is how easily we can see
ourselves in the story. Also, because these journeys are often set in galaxies far, far away, they
make it possible to explore aspects of human nature in a way that feels less threatening than
more realistic dramas. So, this February, we are going to compare Scripture to Cinema as we
explore some of The Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movies in the Galaxy!
Weekly Bible Readings
● Jeremiah 1:4-10
● Romans 7:14-25
● Luke 6:27-38
● Psalm 37:1-11
Practice Makes (more) Perfect
● Watch some of the most popular SciFi/Fantasy franchises of all time!
● Ask yourself: What do these messages teach about humanity?
● Vote for The Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movies in the Galaxy! (Vote Cards – 1/person)
Church Night
Each Wednesday
Soup-er Bowl of Caring: Sunday, February 9
Bring in canned soups and other non-perishable food items for our Blessing Box!
Movie Market
● Give food, clothes and toiletries to the community. Movie costumes are encouraged!
Church Oscar Sunday: Sunday, February 23
● Dress up for a black tie affair while we present the Oscar for Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movies
in the Galaxy!