Love one anOTHER.

This world can be an inhospitable place. If you have ever been a stranger in an unfamiliar land,
you know how stressful it is to realize you are at the mercy of the people you meet – especially if
you feel you are viewed as somehow different or “other” than the folks who live there. In the
Bible, the value of showing hospitality to strangers appears many times. This biblical code of
hospitality teaches people to welcome visitors into their lives, and care for their basic needs.
This January, we are going to explore the Bible’s teachings on hospitality, and how to see God
in people who are different from us, by learning to Love one anOTHER.
Weekly Bible Readings
● Genesis 18:1-15 Hospitality & Meals
● Mark 2:13-17 Hospitality & Conversation
● Leviticus 19:34 Hospitality & Shelter
● Acts 2:43-47 Hospitality & Identity
● Hebrews 13:1-3 Hospitality & Seeing God in Others
● Revelation 7:9-12 Love one anOTHER.
Practice Makes Perfect
● Invite a friend (not a stranger) to discuss this month’s Questions for Consideration.
○ Have you ever had to rely on the hospitality of strangers?
○ Have you ever needed help with basic necessities?
○ Have you ever needed a safe place to stay?
○ Have you ever felt unwelcome due to your race, class, religion, or identity?
○ Who is a person who has made you feel welcome and loved by God?

Sunday Lunches
● Pastor Ryan is planning Sunday lunches for this year. Signup if you’d like to have a meal
with him and his family.
Church Night
NO Market
Mushroom Logs Workshop
Snow Yoga
Church Breakfast