The Great Whirlwind

Six years ago, Hurricane Maria swept across the island of Puerto Rico in a terrifying whirlwind. The storm caused power outages, wrecked farms and destroyed houses. In the week of the disaster, people were left wondering who to blame: God or people? Last summer, I went on a journey to Puerto Rico to see how the Methodist Church has responded to this disaster. I visited the Conference Office, met a cacao farmer,  and spoke to people whose homes had been rebuilt. Along the way, I witnessed the church helping restore the island in ways that would care for both Creation and communities. This August, I am going to share some of their stories with you, including the lessons they learned out of The Great Whirlwind

Weekly Bible Readings

  • Job 38:1-3 Out of the Whirlwind
  • Job 38:2-7 Words Without Knowledge
  • Job 40:1-9 Gird Up Your Loins
  • Job 42:10-17 The Fortunes of Job

Dinner & Discussion

  • Share a meal and discuss Climate Justice on Wednesday, August 30, 6:30-8:00 p.m. @ the Fellowship Hall.

Zoo Scavenger Hunt

  • On Sunday, August 6, meet in the front parking lot at 1:00 p.m. to caravan to the zoo for a day of fun and learning!

Back-to-School Market 

  • Saturday, August 12 – We are collecting supplies and donations until Sunday, August 6.

Spiritual Challenge

Make 1 CHANGE in your life to take better care of God’s Creation.