
A keepsake is a small item you hold onto in honor of the person who once owned it. Keepsakes
can be new or old, seem unique or generic, and have great worth or no financial value at all –
either way, their true value lies in what they signify to you. This November, while we prepare to
celebrate Thanksgiving, we are going to spend some time with our keepsakes to remember all
the things we have to be thankful for from the past as we walk into God’s future.
Weekly Bible Readings
● Deuteronomy 26:1-11
● Psalm 100
● Philippians 4:4-9
Show & Tell
Each Sunday, Pastor Ryan will share one of his own Keepsakes. We invite each of you to bring
a small keepsake with you every week as well, and to be ready to tell people what it means to
● Sunday, November 6: Bring a Keepsake from a family member who has passed on.
● Sunday, November 13: Bring a Keepsake from an individual who shaped your life.
● Sunday, November 20: Bring a Keepsake from the Church.
Pledge Sunday, November 20
● During worship we will give thanks for the church, and turn in our 2023 Pledge Cards to
celebrate the opportunity to build the Kingdom in a new year.