Noah and the 100 Year Flood

My eyes scanned the basement, and I tried to take it in: scattered items, patches of mold, and sewer water still collected in a small sink by the wall. It was 3 months after the most recent flood, but 2,000 Detroit homeowners were still dealing with this kind of devastation. As I stood in the basement, I filmed a United Methodist Early Response Team while they “mucked out” the damage. That moment was the beginning of a journey, through which I explored Detroit’s 2nd historic flood in the last 7 years; learned why the midwest is experiencing more extreme flooding events due to climate change; and, discovered certain cities are more vulnerable to this kind of disaster than others. This August, I am going to tell the story of how The United Methodist Church and the people of Detroit are working together to bring relief from disasters, while we discuss Noah and the 100 Year Flood.

Weekly Bible Readings

  • Genesis 6:5-8 – Theodicy of Natural and Unnatural Disasters
  • Genesis 6:13-22 – The Ark to Preserve Life
  • Genesis 7:6-14 – The Return of Trees
  • Genesis 8:20-22 – Human Nature (or, Behind the Scenes)

The Pastor’s Study: Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m. (beginning August 10)

  • Pastor Ryan will lead discussions on Sunday scriptures and videos from 100 Year Flood. Participants will also be invited to develop environmental sustainability initiatives for our local church!

Teaching Sunday: August 28

  • During worship, go Behind-the-Scenes of creating the documentary with Pastor Ryan and Mariellyn. Then, at 11:00 a.m. in the Parlor, join the Agape gathering to screen and discuss 100 Year Flood.